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 Post subject: Phillip Danel's Request
PostPosted: August 12th, 2016, 2:27 am 

Joined: August 11th, 2016, 11:47 pm
Posts: 8

I come to you as an inter realm tradesmen who has worked among the many nations, interacting with many of the people of the Empire. I come to you requesting vassalage among one of the many noble lords of the Empire so that I can start a new meaningful life, with a meaningful impact. First, I will tell you about myself: I was born in the realm of Minerva in the year 477 A.I., to a wealthy merchant family who are patrilineally descended from a prominent half Aethen half Human named Roya who lived over three generations ago. My father and mother introduced my sister, Amelia, and I to the life of merchantry at the young age of ten and seven, respectively. Since then we have continued the family business of trading various resources and luxurious items across the Empire's high seas.

Though, during one of my individual trade deals around three years ago on the Sea of Reflection, I encountered an omnipotent voice that struck pure anxiety, fear and oddly curiosity into me. The voice was heavy and thick, belonging to a neither man nor woman, but something greater and stronger. Something unreal in our sense of reality yet very dangerous to us in another reality. Over time I came to listen and reason with the voice, never truly understanding what or who it belonged to, just simply following it's orders. At first it was simple, yet odd tasks: feed this man in this obscure location, buy thirty potatoes and give them to the richest man you see, ask a woman to wear purple on a full moon. But as time progressed the tasks became more daunting on me. The final one had me travel to a mountain range in the long forgotten Kingdom of Khabranth where I encountered an oddity: a shrine to what I presumed to be the voice I had been hearing.


Inside the shrine was a mere chest with nothing more than a single piece of severely damaged parchment, detailed with a cryptic language of unknown origins. While not being able to read the parchment, the voice in my head did. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard, yet it was also one of the most frightening things I've ever heard. As the voice read from the document I had strong visions, and suggestions, stronger than anything the voice has ever told me to do. The words: "ascend", "noble", "scholar", "revive", "we", and "us", were all echoed and etched into my disoriented and feeble mind. Pure fear entered my system, causing me to flee, flee back home to one of my many quiet estates nearby in a friendlier realm:



I wrote all of these thoughts in a book that I buried among my personal collection of items and objects gathered over the years from my travels. I left the book purposefully hidden and took a steady job mapping parts of the nether on the other side of the Empire, somewhere near the Kingdom of Ertia, simply trying to forget the voice, the parchment, and the effect's it etched into my minds. It did work for some time: I almost forgot completely about the encounters until I awoke to a heavy knock on my double locked spruce door in the middle of the night.


"Open up, it's the messenger."

"What do you want? It's the middle of the night!"

"Your sister has died. Many more will die unless you search your mind and do our bidding."

Before I had a chance to respond on that mysterious night, the alleged messenger horrendously transformed into a three block tall black monstrosity that many identify as the Endermen. With a sinister laugh and the literal dropping of his jaw, he disappear into the night, leaving only his purple particles in my face. After that encounter, I knew the voice was real, I knew it could not be forgotten. I knew I must become it's slave. But the younger and more intelligent side of me remembered the word: "scholar". I was going to dedicate my life to study this voice, and the illusions surrounding it. But to do so, I knew I needed to become a significant citizen of the Mercurian Empire: A vassal.


Hello, I am Matthew, short for Mohammed. I just turned 17 some time ago and I currently live in the US. I graduated High School early this past May and I have been making arrangements to attend University or College soon in a degree of either Computer Science and or History.

I like History a lot (hence my potential degree choice), which is why I was attracted to this particular community. It seems this is one of the few dedicated places that have an agreed, organized, collection of lore and history itself that defines the actual community itself. This overwhelming collection of history (historical or not) and lore is something that I find particularly interesting, which also explains my interest in similar things such as Star Wars, Star Trek, LOTR, etc, etc.

Based on what I understand, if I am accepted I am given the rank of vassal which is what I shaped my application around. My ultimate plan is to become a Duke under a King (future king or current king) and remain under him(or her) for sometime and then maybe striking out on my own once I am truly familiarized with the feel of the community.

Thanks for reading my application!

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PostPosted: August 12th, 2016, 2:33 am 

Joined: August 29th, 2015, 6:38 pm
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Location: Kentucky
Looks like a great application! I hope you can find a good spot in the empire should you get accepted!

PS: Don't do history, ask Mark!

Feisty Emperor Of All Things

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PostPosted: August 12th, 2016, 2:41 am 
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Joined: July 7th, 2015, 9:01 pm
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What an extraordinary tale, Phillip. I am sure we can find a home for you and a proper place to study this mysterious entity.

As Squire said above, this is a great application!

Hasan 'Darius V' Stark

Protector of the Vahnic Exploration Company
Ilkhan of Greater Karastan-Laghima

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PostPosted: August 12th, 2016, 3:40 am 
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History is indeed a bad major to choose unless you want to enter academia.

How did you find out about the Mercurian Empire?

Ealdorman Cerdic Beoden Accynnafon of Östlond
Runner Up of the Glas Claddach Boat Building Competition
Minister of Justice

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PostPosted: August 12th, 2016, 3:45 am 
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Joined: May 30th, 2015, 5:52 pm
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Greetings! I'm glad you've found your way to our applications section; I'm Duke Nicholas II, your Minister for Applications and Settlement. Pleased to meet you, and a hearty welcome to our forums!

As applications go, you have made a very nice start here! While different members of the community seek out different things in applications, I myself look to see that an applicant has both a) familiarized themselves with the lands and lore of Hermertia and b) taken a stab at creating a lore for themselves. From the quality and detail of your story so far, it is evident that you have taken the time to fulfill both these: you've taken care to craft your story around the existing realms of the Empire, working your character into our collective world. Taken together, this work results in an application that demonstrates an impressive dedication to the process and is sure to garner a great reception.

On to your lore thus far! I harbour a great appreciation for the work of the merchants of the Empire; as Guildmaster of the Merchant's Guild - a supranational organization that seeks to facilitate trade and diplomatic relations across the Empire - I have a special place in my heart for those that take up the work of connecting the Empire through trade. We are an Empire many centuries old, and while conflict has raged and will rage again you will doubtless find that more often than not the primary drivers of change are the diplomatic, legal, and economic engines of Hermertia. It is through cooperation and mutual understanding that our world has grown, and every trader from Minerva to Wysteria, Kaine to Khabranth, plays a key role in this process.

I see you have passed through the Sea of Reflection! As you likely know, this is the sea that Wysteria borders; perhaps you have passed a Merchant's Guild Clipper Ship on its way to Gallen.

These tales of a voice, a greater being, a messenger, and above all a connection with your family are intriguing. The study of teh world around us in an attempt to better understand it is a goal many across the Empire share; the motto of my own peoples is Success Through Perspective. I wish you luck and hope that we can aid you in your search.

You are correct in your understanding of the Vassal process - once accepted you will become a Vassal under an existing realm. In this way, you are able to either 'work your way up' to higher ranks under your liege so as to become, say, a Duke under a King, or strike our independently.

Finally, I would like to ask you a couple of questions that we typically ask of new applicants to Hermertia:

- Might you have any pictures of past builds you could show us? Not required, but it's nice to get a feel for building aesthetics as there are some very different ones across the Empire.

- If you and another individual (another vassal in the same realm as you, an independant player, etc) both wished to build in the same land, how would you go about resolving the situation?

- How did you hear of Hermertia?

You're off to a great start sir! Over the next bit, more members of the community will drop by and likely have some questions. While you're waiting, I absolutely encourage you to keep on taking a look around the forums at the many different aspects of life in Hermertia, and to shoot me a pm or simply reply here with any questions you might have.

Until then, I'll leave off with an introduction to the Imperial motto since time immemorial:

For Glory!

Wysterian Labourer's Council
Currently Holding Stewardship of Wysteria

Minister for Applications and Settlement
Forums Administrator

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PostPosted: August 12th, 2016, 4:27 am 
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Joined: May 30th, 2015, 10:17 am
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it's currently 4:26 am In Scotland so I'll reply to you properly when I wake up later haha. good application so far!

how did you find Hermertia and how long have you studied our lore/history? you seem well versed in knowledge for a newcomer! impressive !

Petra Ravnikaar of The Veil

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PostPosted: August 12th, 2016, 4:40 am 

Joined: August 11th, 2016, 11:47 pm
Posts: 8
Ah, greetings. Thanks for your compliments and advice!

As per the common question of where I heard of the server: I was cleaning my bookmarks on my old laptop to transfer them to a new laptop and I found a link to this subreddit. I read around and was a bit more intrigued so I followed the sticky to this website where I spent a few more days reading about the lore and ideas behind the server before typing my application a day or two ago. I probably found the subreddit from the random feature and bookmarked it for now unknown reasons.

I harbour a great appreciation for the work of the merchants of the Empire; as Guildmaster of the Merchant's Guild

I think I vaguely remember reading something about this, definitely inspired me to make Phillip a merchant!

- Might you have any pictures of past builds you could show us? Not required, but it's nice to get a feel for building aesthetics as there are some very different ones across the Empire.

I'll have to transfer some screenshots from my old laptop tomorrow after work and post them here.

- If you and another individual (another vassal in the same realm as you, an independant player, etc) both wished to build in the same land, how would you go about resolving the situation?

Hmm. Depends on the history and background of the land. Was the land originally granted to me by my liege? If so I believe I have the right to defend it. Now in this context it also depends on the other person, are they also a vassal? If so I'm sure our liege can solve the dispute if either one of us can't come to a logic conclusion. Now if the person is a random independent player I believe they do not have the right to sovereign territory of another land. Alternatively if another player and I attempt to claim close lands and a dispute arises, if it really comes down to it I'd have a trusted 3rd party intervene and decide a solution. In short, it depends on the situation as well as the context of the land/players but I'd try to resolve it as diplomatically as possible.

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PostPosted: August 12th, 2016, 7:40 am 
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I'll ask you some questions as well!

-What are your long term goals besides becoming an eventual Duke?

-What is your biome preference?

-Do you see yourself joining or making any guilds?

-What is your favorite color?

Hasan 'Darius V' Stark

Protector of the Vahnic Exploration Company
Ilkhan of Greater Karastan-Laghima

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PostPosted: August 12th, 2016, 7:56 am 
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Joined: April 28th, 2016, 6:15 pm
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Are you saying that you found us by the random button on reddit?

Ealdorman Cerdic Beoden Accynnafon of Östlond
Runner Up of the Glas Claddach Boat Building Competition
Minister of Justice

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PostPosted: August 12th, 2016, 9:08 am 
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Joined: August 9th, 2015, 12:19 am
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An impressive application and a very good first impression! I look forward to seeing more of what you can offer

Prince Septimus Cersil, Lord of Wychwood
Minister of Surveyors and Civil Engineers
Warden of the North
- Recipient of the Pyrencian Good Effort Award
- 2016 Winner of the 'Medal of S'alright'
- Stronger than an ant
- The Tallest

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