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PostPosted: September 2nd, 2015, 4:05 am 
Sorry about my slow reply. Honestly, I've been kind of discouraged and demotivated by the minimal responses, especially when I compare my app with the new applicants'; y'all are very quick and cheerful, in response to them. Anyway, I was wondering, how many people are reading this? It would be encouraging and nice to know if there were any . . . Also, I was wondering if there are still nobles who stand by their declarations that they will never give me their vote.

Since I'm sort of in between servers at the moment, I'm fulfilling my Minecraft needs by playing my first real hardcore singleplayer world, and it's a lot of fun. I put together a short tour for y'all here.

What else have I been doing with my time? Well, I must admit Minecraft has been very absorbing, but I've also been reading and writing (for school and pleasure); attending school and doing physics, sci-fi, Latin, and comp-sci (a very pleasant semester in my opinion); and practicing tennis.

I'm reading "Revenge of the Lawn", a collection of short stories by Richard Brautigan. In science fiction today we read Terry Bisson's "Macs", which I reccomend: it's really warped, scary, and interesting.

I'm really trying to take Latin seriously this semester, because it would be awesome to be able to fluently read and write in it; I could use it (sparingly) on Hermertia for cryptic pieces of lore.

I've written two things (in English) - they're not lore but I think they would appeal to Minecraft players (one explicitly mentions Minecraft), so I'll upload them once I have both of them, once I get one of them back from my sci-fi teacher.

In Science Fiction today was Tuesday, so we had "Twilight Zone Tuesday," and, also, it's "Taco Tuesday" at a local restaurant so I'm going to get tacos for dinner. Tacos are delicious!

This semester is also very pleasant because I don't have to see that girl I mentioned, except in the transition between 2nd and 3rd period. I ignore her and shun her during that transition because that's what she did to the messages I sent her over the summer. Today I walked right past her and her favorite guy friend, the popular class president, who she "likes," and I felt spacey for the rest of the day and when I got home I cried for like an hour about it. I wish that I would never see her again, or that somehow she would (falsely) get the message that I hate her and don't want to have anything to do with her and I'm going to find a girl who's nice. (Sorry if this has gotten too personal and correspondingly incoherent. I would just delete this whole paragraph but I'm not in the right mood.)

Nicholas, I added the source code to my games folder. The one called "puzzle" is just Inertia's level editor. Also, I have to warn you: my code is disorganized and uncommented. Here's a tip for navigating the jungle: at least in SideShooter and Inertia, there's the base class (interface actually), GameObject, which all the "entities" - alien ships, spinning earth, spinning moon, the player - derive from. In main(), a list of all the GameObjects is kept. All GameObjects have the methods refresh() and draw(), and main() repeatedly refresh()s and draw()s every GameObject on its list, and that's basically how the whole program runs. In case you want more details, you can read this thread, which is where I put together the software model of GameObjects, inspired somewhat by Game Maker. Sidenote: the StdDraw class present in all my games is a very simple and crappy graphics window.

Also, to Nicholas: I'm interested in the legal system of Hermertia. I've seen how y'all vote on plugins and whatnot and it's all real legit. Snoutmol II may aspire to become a lawyer, if he's admitted into Hermertia and given an education in your libraries . . . but that of course is a very lofty goal. Even if slavery is illegal and no one would recognize it, are debts legal? Would people legally recognize if I owed a double chest full of gold blocks? I'm not exactly excited about the prospect, but at this point I'd do it, if it would help at all . . .

Caesar, sorry for not telling my story about Ursula, Antontus, and Snoutmol II escaping the golden horde. I (lore off) have absolutely no plans for that story and frankly I'm not excited to come up with it. I may resort to telling it sometime though, if nothing else arises that I can discuss . . .

Again, thank you ANYONE WHO IS READING THIS, for your attention.


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PostPosted: September 2nd, 2015, 6:05 am 
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Joined: May 30th, 2015, 1:31 pm
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I'm reading it at least, but I have no power to vote yet.

Jolly, Grand Count of Wysteria

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PostPosted: September 2nd, 2015, 6:42 am 
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Joined: May 30th, 2015, 6:33 pm
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Do you really want to thank me for the attention?

Duchess Celestine of Reinen
-Marshall of the Scrubby Scrubby task force.

"Music in the soul can be heard by the universe" ~Lao Tzu

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PostPosted: September 3rd, 2015, 2:44 am 
Merry wrote:
I'm reading it at least, but I have no power to vote yet.

Good to hear. Since you say "yet", I assume you are aspiring to become a duke? Good luck! There's a bill in the House of Dukes where Dukes can vote for me.

Celestine wrote:
Do you really want to thank me for the attention?

Yes :D
I had a nightmare about rape recently, and it was really disturbing. I was on an airplane, and the pilot took one of the passengers into his cockpit and raped her. I had kind of a third person view of the whole thing. I have one specific image frozen in my head, when the pilot was fucking the girl in the ass and I saw a patch of white which I think was semen . . . over the loud speaker or something the pilot was grumbling stuff about his "manliness" or something, and I was so angry: I wanted to tell him he wasn't a man he was a subhuman piece of garbage. He threw the girl out the window - an "escape hatch" - and she plummeted to the earth and died. The rape&murder thing I find particularly heinous and disturbing. WTF kind of priorities to you have to kill someone so you can have sex with them once? Was the one orgasm worth a life? WTF. I think those people deserve cruel and unusual punishments, and I'm more angry and disgusted at them than at bombers who kill and injure multiple people. Rape at all is disgusting. Anyway, this issue, maybe because of y'alls accusations, has entered into my subconscious. I wrote this in my journal recently:

. . . I would feel bad and sick if I ever had sex with her. For some reason I've felt sensitive like this to girls recently. Maybe it's because all the stupid people on the Hermertia forum kept accusing me of liking rape because of the erotica I wrote. I only think I could handle having sex if the girl I loved and wanted to spend my life with, or if the girl was promiscuous and obviously fine with getting fucked by guys. I feel sick because the guy is stronger, on top, and doing most of the work while the girl lays there passively, and I read somewhere that girls have lowered self-esteem after and guys have raised self-esteem . . .

Sorry for calling you guys stupid, but it should be acceptable in context. In my first application, I really felt from some remarks that y'all thought I was a rape advocate, and that that, combined with my mental instability, made me a potential rapist. I really did not enjoy that and as I've said it made me feel sick. Now, whether the rape scene in my book warranted those accusations . . . I can't really be the judge of that: maybe it was enough. But I won't write anything with rape again. That was the only story I ever wrote that contained rape, and I'm not interested in doing it a second time, not only because of its universal unpopularity, but because I, personally, am sickened by it.

I'm not trying to make Celestine or Gimpy or anyone feel bad. I can see how they reached their conclusions from what I had written. I mean, I really did get weird there on page 3 especially . . . Thank you, Celestine and everyone, for hitting me on the head hard, because maybe the resulting queasiness was good for me. It'll probably fade some, but right now I really just want to be sensitive and soft and unimposing and sweet. Can we put the rape thing behind us? I know I'm the one who just brought it up . . . but you know you have to deal with these elephants when they wander into the room!

Does anyone have any questions or suggestions about my lore? I don't like how my lore is based off an already-published work . . . But I'm open to anything: small advices to shape my lore, or overhauls that will transform it into an original, unique work. Also I am very interested in advice that will make my lore mesh with Hermertia's nicely.


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PostPosted: September 3rd, 2015, 7:03 pm 
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Joined: May 30th, 2015, 12:45 pm
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Geezer, that last post was just ridiculous. I feel we have tried as a community to try an overlook your first application but why on earth are you talking the same way that we took issue with you for in the first place??

Due to the relative small amount of posts per week the majority of people will see the majority of posts. They are being read but I don't feel you've focused on what we suggested.

The reason we advertise applications for new people is that accepted applicants inherently bring value to our server. It fleshes out the world more, gives leiges people under their own rank, makes the server more dense, keeps an active player based etc etc. And when you start out with a toxic application you no longer bring the value we want to add to our server.

I'm not trying to be overly harsh but I simply don't understand your motives in sharing some of these statements. We're a lore-rpg server, that's what we want others to join into, that's what we want others to bring value to and thus making people feel uncomfortable does not add the value we want.

I'm not trying to patronize you, but irl I've seen in some people for them it can be easier to be really shocking and weird to others to get some kind of reaction because they can't get past their own anxieties to communicate normally. I'm not sure if you're trying this here but whatever please fucking stop.

As for where to go from now, the way I can think to develop your application for the better would be the make a SP minecraft world and develop lore in that and provide some lore with accompanying builds to prove you'll be an good addition to the server, but tbh geezer you might be wasting your own time if you're going to carry on with posts like the above.

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PostPosted: September 3rd, 2015, 7:42 pm 
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youve mentioned the word rape 39 times in total across both applications. You are not what we are looking for. I suggest you try another server.

Petra Ravnikaar of The Veil

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PostPosted: September 3rd, 2015, 11:08 pm 
Caesar wrote:
Geezer, that last post was just ridiculous.

Really? Was it COMPLETELY ridiculous? Is there not one shred of it at all that you could concede was an attempt at making a useful point? Fucking geezer jeazer y'all are making me question my own sanity on so many different levels . . .
Caesar wrote:
why on earth are you talking the same way that we took issue with you for in the first place??

Listen, I'm a slow typer, and when I reread my previous post, I noticed that my use of the word 'rape', among other words, was close and jarring.
You say I'm "talking the same way" as I was in my old app. What does that mean? That you just didn't like it? Is it that I'm talking so freely about sex and rape? - because that's not really the reason that y'all "took issue with me in the first place."
I brought up rape again because no one was responding to my app so I thought I should address the issue again. Should I have just kept it all under the rug? and then y'all would be like "hey I think there's something as big as an elephant under that rug," and I'd be like "nah look at this cabinet though."
Samaia Almandine wrote:
youve mentioned the word rape 39 times in total across both applications. You are not what we are looking for.

I did CTRL-F too and found that Hermertians used the word 18 times. What a bunch of rapey rapists! I mean...not as rapey as me by far, but still much rape, wow.

Caesar wrote:
I feel we have tried as a community to try an overlook your first application

THAT is what I call a ridiculous statement.

I like the idea of making lore on a SP world. Sorry I've been writing more random shit than lore . . . I've been focusing on improving my IRL character more than the lore.

I think maybe my extensive writing and dedication should be worth something, to make up for my "toxic" application:
Caesar wrote:
when you start out with a toxic application you no longer bring the value we want

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PostPosted: September 3rd, 2015, 11:25 pm 
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You're tactics are disgusting snoutmol and your attitude is a disgrace. You can't seem to get this into your head, from what you said and done we do not want you here. You have scared some and angered others. Please for your own sake just stop.

Gimpy/The Italian Stallion

It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door, You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to." -Bilbo Baggins

Duke of Kaine

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PostPosted: September 3rd, 2015, 11:46 pm 
How are my tactics disgusting and my attitude a disgrace? You know what's disgusting? Baseless insults that exist solely to spread hurt. Ganging up against one guy. That's fucking disgusting.

I don't even want to be a member of a community that's going to treat me like this. I know I could've been a great, friendly, and productive member of the community, but fuck that. Y'all have fun without me.

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PostPosted: September 3rd, 2015, 11:50 pm 
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Duchess Celestine of Reinen
-Marshall of the Scrubby Scrubby task force.

"Music in the soul can be heard by the universe" ~Lao Tzu

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