I remember the start of this great battle. I met up with my comrades a fair distance away in a camp overlooking the city of Tremaine where our target was. He was known as the corrupt king, and his name was Ainmine. I met with Breena one of the guards from this place that had inside knowledge that would for sure aid us in this battle, then their was Ekaterina she was a paladin who also knew of knowledge of this place. Then I met with Erakhon a graceful and deadly fighter who would help when it came to cutting down the enemy. Then there was Sahrag the barbarian who let's just say possessed brute strength that only he could posses. Then there was our druid Rengal Bloodshock who possessed the power of shapeshifting, I knew that it would definitely come in handy. Then our bard Tethras who could aid us with his songs.
After we all met we soon made plans on how to get in the city where we would find our target the corrupt king Ainmine. The plan was to first send our platoon of troops to charge the front gates, then while the attention was focused over there we would then attempt to scale the wall near the farm where we could open a gate to allow our troops into the outer city. When the plan was set into motion we all headed to the wall that we were set to scale. Sahrag being the barbarian he was went first up the wall. Ekaterina was the one to spot the guards heading towards Sahrag while he was hanging onto his roof almost about to crawl onto the wall. She directed us all to hide in the bushes, and so we did. Sahrag decided to let them pass, after they passed he descended into the farm. Afterwards I couldn't tell what happened all I heard was a bunch of commotion. Soon everyone scaled the wall but Breena lost her trusty bow while doing so. Instead of going to the farm I went up the tower to my left, accompanied by Erakhon and Tethras.
As we climbed the flights of stairs Erakhon went up first only to come running back down seeking protection as he had drawn attention to us by injuring a general. Me and Erakhon stood our ground and drew our shields, but we were not quick enough the soldiers accompanying the general shot the shields out of our hands flinging them off the tower and into the fields. As our shields fell to the wayside we charged them slashing them with our blades, ultimately ending them. Erakhon saw the general still injured, and proceeded to draw his bow for another shot. This shot hit, but didn't end the general. That’s when I went in for the finishing blow slicing him in half. We then proceeded across the wall.
We then reached a section of the wall that had a line of archers who hadn’t noticed us. Me and Erakhon attempted to sneak down, Erakhon succeded but I did not I drew attention to myself causing the archers to begin aiming and taking shots at me. All I saw of Erakhon was him running to a nearby building before disappearing, not knowing where to go I entered the first tower I saw and I ran up the stairs only to slammed in the face by a giant shield. I was dazed and barely had enough time to get out of the way of his swing, me and the soldier were face to face so I charged him piercing his armor my sword cutting through him like he was a sheet of paper. His body fell to the wayside of the corridor, and I began to proceed downward. I came upon a balcony that I didn't go on as I didn't want the archers to spot me again, so I proceeded downwards until I saw one of the gatehouses. I ran towards the lever mechanism and pulled on it with great force, making a lot of noise drawing unwanted attention from two guards. They barreled towards me but I soon ended their charge as I crouched down and swung out their legs cutting them clean off from their bodies. As the gate opened our armies pushed on through the gate led by Breena and followed in suit by our druid. I soon headed back to meet with the others.
I met up with them in a courtyard where I choose to follow Sahrag and Ekaterina, with Erakhon following behind us. Sahrag and his need for bloodshed charged ahead of us pummeling any who stood in his way entering a huge building alone. Ekaterina, me, and Erakhon ran in trying to catch up with Sahrag when we entered the building we saw a large knight chasing after Sahrag and we saw the other three knights standing guard looking at us. I followed the knight up the stairs in an attempt to save Sahrag from any harm. I came up the knight unbeknownst to him and thrust my sword into his back, causing him to die. I found Kharbranth peering over the staircase with bodies by his side. He was out of breath and was resting. As I looked over I saw 7 knights one of them being a general who might know of Ainmine’s location Sahrag informed me as he took a breather.
I had no idea what to do so out of pure desperation, I snuck by and placed a keg of Dwarven Stout and lit it, barreling down the stairs I tried to push Sahrag to safety, he wouldn't budge and instead of me pushing him he pushed me off to which I landed on a roof of a building which left me dazed and confused. All I could hear in my daze was Ekaterina yelling “by all gods run you fools!”.
Seconds before the keg exploded I ran to the edge of the roof and landed in the streets below where the rest of my comrades were and then their was the explosion. I was hit by some debris from the explosion but ultimately I was unharmed but many bodies of fallen soldiers lay, crushed by debris. Out of the pile of bodies 2 knights and the general rose. Ekaterina charged the first knight killing it in the process, I ran towards the general who was still trying to get out of his dazed stupor. I grabbed him by his throat and I put my sword to his throat demanding that he tell me where Ainmine was, but his loyalty was too strong and thus he said he would rather die than tell me. As I was interrogating him, Erakhon missed his shot and hit me instead making me release the general, as I was confused Sahrag tackled the general as he tried to flee. When the general was down Sahrag then bit off his ear.
As Sahrag lay on top of the general, with his ear in his mouth the second knight that everyone had forgotten about stabbed Sahrag in the back causing him to take significant injuries. With a spear poking out of his back Sahrag, in a fit of rage lunged forward ripping the knights jugular out with his teeth blood flying everywhere. The knight still somehow alive gurgling commands, began to pull the spear out of Sahrag’s back, he was about to thrust his spear into Sahrag once more but Breena suddenly attacked the knight causing the knight some damage and saving Sahrag from some injuries. Ekaterina finished him off and he fell to the ground leaving the general the only one alive. As the general would not comply with our requests for information Sahrag took his head clean off and adorned his head onto his belt. Afterwards we pressed forward but were soon stopped by a horde of Fallen barreling towards us and soldiers on other side, not ready to fight this fight we soon fell back to the farm. We saw groups of fallen there but then moments later King Scrios came riding in with troops by his side. They proceeded to slay them giving us a place to rest and to come up with a new battle plan.
We had planned our assault. In the day that passed we had new allies join the fight. We had our new pyromancer join our cause, he was very eager to burn all who opposed him, and then we had the fighter King Sciros join us! After the greetings we had come up with our plan! The plan was to go around the city and head to the fort where we couldn’t get to through the city because it was heavily guarded. So instead of risking our lives charging the front gate, we built a raft that would carry us to the coast, which it did. When we reached the coast me Erakhorn, Tethras, and Breena made it up,in the process I lost my shield, that had been retrieved by a fellow soldier, but Ekaterina, our pyromancer, and Scrios did not make it up. As they failed they made noise alerting the guards so we quietly pushed into the courtyard, the last glimpse I saw of them at that time was Ekaterina plunging herself underwater. As we entered the courtyard we saw many archers and soldiers, instead of fighting them we decided to head into the tower on our left.
As we climbed the towers steps we came across 3 archers who hadn’t seen us yet, I had gone in for the swipe at 2 of the archers legs but failed. This alerted the archers to our presence, and put me in danger. As I was getting up I saw Breena charging the archer, killing him in the process. As this was happening I realized my sword had been thrown out of my hand and had landed on the other side of an archer having no other choice I tried to slam him into the wall, but once again I failed, the archer proceeded to grab me by the throat and slam me into the wall leaving me dazed and confused. Then Erakhorn finished him off saving me from any danger. We proceeded to descend the tower and had found ourselves in a big room. We heard explosions and men screaming in pain and yelling that they were burning alive.Unbeknownst to us at the time our pyromancer had cast a fireball and thus caused the explosion and lit the men on fire. We proceeded down the stairs until we saw our pyromancer, Ekaterina, and Scrios fighting off soldiers. Breena saw an archer preparing to fire at our allies and thus drew her bow back, the one she lost but had been retrieved by Ekaterina. She took the shot killing the archer. The room was clear but we heard more soldiers coming this way.
While they were running down the halls, we set up an ambush. Once they began to turn the corner we all leaped out and began to attack. I had noticed that Ekaterina had already attacked, and had killed a soldier, but our pyromancer had barely injured the soldier he attacked. I swiped at the legs of the first two soldiers I saw and cut them clean off killing them in the process, but the remaining soldier began to draw his sword, but was suddenly cut down by Tethras, once again I was saved by my allies, who I am incredibly grateful to. We headed down the corridor where we found both Rengal, and Sahrag. Rengal and Sahrag notified us of Ainmire’s position. He was in his throne room the closest room to our right. Sahrag charged in trying to take down the first soldier he saw standing in the doorway. He ended up failing and lost his weapon, he then fell back to where the rest of us were. Ekaterina charged the soldier with her halberd, killing the soldier.
As this conflict ended I charged into the room beginning to hide behind a wall, but as I looked over to my side I saw a row of archers looking back at me bows being drawn. I charged them dodging all the arrows and slashed at the first archer I saw, wounding him but not killing him. I had been stabbed by another archer who had drawn his short sword and stabbed me while I was pulling my sword out of the archer I attacked, leaving me gravely wounded. Breena charged in behind me slashing away at the other archers killing them stopping them from killing me. As this was happening our pyromancer shot a fireball at Ainmire and his guards. As me and Breena recovered our bard Tethras played us a healing song that worked, healing me and Breena, but also healed the enemies we attacked making them healthy again! Before the archers could think we charged them ending them with the help of our bard Tethras who got the finisher on one of them.
After we recovered from this battle we hopped off the ledge do assist our allies, Breena didn't take her fall all too well and injured herself a little bit. We were met with the sight of destruction caused by our pyromancer 4 of Ainmire’s guards lay dead on the floor and Ekaterina, our pyromancer, and Scrios were held up in a corridor fighting. As they were fighting a guard cleaved off our pyromancers arm leaving him screaming in pain and blood gushing out of his arm’s socket. As this happened Ekaterina jumped in front of Scrios to protect him from a blow he was about to suffer. Seeing our pyromancer lying there bleeding, armless, I jumped over him landing perfectly, ready to defend him while my allies tended to him. I slashed at the guard in front of me injuring him gravely but not killing him. Before I saw anything else Ekaterina slashed away at another guard leaving him dead, he stood no chance Ekaterina cut through him like he was nothing. Our pyromancer who had been tended too, created an arm of fire and reached around me with it, his “fingers” were knives and cut through the two guards in front of me killing one but wounding the other. Accidently he ended up hurting Ekaterina but she barely felt it.
In the rage caused by his loss of his arm he charged the knight who had caused this pain, he slid through the legs of Ekaterina once again accidently hitting her but she held and didn't feel a thing. The soldier lay dead at the hands of our enraged pyromancer. Ainmire had taken a beating from my allies, I could see his wounds. He was weakening and struggling to continue battling. As he was to focused on us he didnt see Erakhorn come up behind stabbing him in the back and then cutting his head clean off his neck. As he did this he handed it to Sahrag, unsatisfied as he didn't get the kill, but still pleased he tied it onto his waist and stood proud. There was one guard who was still alive but wounded. Ekaterina approached him and told him that his gods were false and that everything he knew and ever did was a lie. As the soldier heard this he dropped his sword and held his head low. Ekaterina took him as a prisoner.
As Breena began searching for something to commemorate this day, and for something to give to a friend, she saw the crown on Ainmire’s head and took it off, she read the inscription. It was Scrios’s father's crown and thus was bestowed to him. He was rushed to the throne room and was made king once again! In the wake of him becoming of a king he decided to disband the Flander’s house, which I do not no very much about at this time. Afterwards we all celebrated with many new stories to tell, new scars to be had, and most of all new friends and comrades. As I leave Tremaine, scarred, beaten, and battered, I won't ever forget the sacrifice of all those who fought, and all my comrades. They saved my life multiple times and I won't ever forget it. I shall do my best to do the same in the next battle we face. As I head back to New Merchantia, I reflected upon all that has happened and with a chuckle I say to myself “What a hell of a time, I can't wait to tell Lysion all about this!”
(Funny Picture)
It was quite the boat ride