The Mercurian Empire

Terror in Oakvale
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Author:  Septimus [ November 15th, 2016, 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Terror in Oakvale

Edwyn crept through the bushes and waited still. Seconds turned into minutes into what felt like hours. Finally, he heard a rustle of leaves to his right. A rabbit, fat and brown hopped into sight, slowly making its way towards Edwyn’s trap.
He held his breath, so as not to startle the meal grazing idly in front of him.
Suddenly, THWACK! The rabbit was launched into the air several feet as it triggered the carefully laid snare.
Rising from his hiding place Edwyn released the rabbits feet from the trap and ever so quickly snapped its neck. Ideally he could do with another rabbit for supper, but the sun was starting to fade. This one rabbit will have to do he thought.

Making his way back through the forest he eventually came up to the Oakvale underpass, a small tunnel cut through the hills on the way to Oakvale. Exiting through the other end, he noticed how much lighter the area seemed. He could have sworn the sun was much lower in the sky than it appeared here. Then he smelt burning.

Breaking into a run, he made his way towards the screams.
Entering the small town square, he could only make out the silhouettes of houses against the orange backdrop eating at the forest. Unable to move from where he stood, he watched as a woman threw herself out of a burning cottage onto the ground below. A small child ran past him shouting for his mother.

Then he saw the men in masks. A group of several men wearing black masks and red tunics, marched towards one of the few buildings not yet ablaze and started smashing the windows followed by the throwing of torches inside. Soon the building in question was lost to a sea of flames.

Coming to his senses Edwyn turned around and ran back towards the forest path he had come from.

Managing to retreat back into the dense forest, he continued to run until he tripped and fell on a tree branch. Picking himself up from the forest floor he now noticed that the night had fully fallen.

Edwyn had many questions. What happened and who would do such a thing?

I must warn someone and get help.

Unfortunately Edwyn was never able to get the answers he wanted. He never noticed the masked man approach from behind with his sword drawn.

Lying in a pool of his own blood, slowly watching the world fade to black, Edwyn would never know the chaos about to rain down on Wychwood

Author:  Cynefrith Arataefia [ November 16th, 2016, 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Terror in Oakvale


Author:  Petra Ravnikaar [ November 16th, 2016, 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Terror in Oakvale

(keep replies in character!)

Grave news!

Author:  Sapa-mita [ November 16th, 2016, 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Terror in Oakvale

These foreigners are embroiled in chaos, we must keep to ourselves in this times of death. All the more reason to create a self-sustaining town and close out gates to this brewing conflicts.

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