The Mercurian Empire

Stark Family History
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Author:  Darius V [ January 21st, 2016, 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Stark Family History

Alexander Stark arrived in the Cycle of the Dragon (the predecessor to Phoenix) over an Era ago. It was believed his family had fled from a war torn island kingdom, but on the way to the Empire his family died in gruesome ways, being the sole survivor, he started anew, founding the dynasty of Stark.

Working under the then Count Chairman on Alos Island, he met a Karsite merchant and conceived two twin boys with her, Albus and Demetrios. As the Dark Age occurred across the empire, Alexander hid in darkness, but eventually returned, gaining independence from the now Duke Chairman, and becoming an independent Count of the county Arahn. Though before he departed the G.R.H.H., he learned from his son Albus that Demetrios and their mother were killed in raids by organized barbarians during the Dark Age. Alexander eventually succumbed to his wounds after facing a battle with religious zealots/heretics. His son, Albus Stark, took over as Count of Arahn.

Albus, went onto establishing the Grand County of Laghima, and he became a leader of native Mercurian peoples in the steppes of Arahn. Eventually settling with his wife gained through an unwanted trial by combat with the same native peoples, Albus adopted a boy named Timur, and went onto have two more sons, Ile, and Esyri.

Ile inherited all of his father's titles and possessions after Albus died in a battle against the Ender Dragon. Upon ascension to Grand Count, he adopted the regnal name of Darius, a bastardized name similar to the one representing Power in the native people of the county Serva's languages. Darius took to his father's death rather harshly, immediately barring his peoples from interacting with Endermen and attempting to travel to the end without Imperial guards accompanying them. Overtime this behaviour reduced, especially when Darius killed an Enderdragon in honor of his fallen father.

The Stark lineage is from an ethnic group of Mercurian peoples known as Karsites. Karsites are human in the same sense as most imperial citizens are. Karsite peoples were rediscovered within the Imperial Borders by Darius Stark on orders from his now deceased father, Albus Stark, who was already looking into the issue. A mission launched by Darius Stark through the Vahnic Exploration Company retrieved a population of 834 Karsites from the Stone Peninsula, and relocated them within the Grand County of Laghima. Due to suffering from Karsite migrants entering Laghima, Darius Stark claimed the lands that the remaining Karsites lived in as his own, thus uniting the peoples under an official imperial realm in the year of 505 AI.

After years of International activity and domestic development, in 509 A.I., Darius Stark ascended his realm to ducal status, creating the title of Grand Duchy of Laghima. Following a call to look for answers to solutions to the Vulcite Crisis (where Darius III is being tutored and raised by elves forcefully), Darius I and Howard Stark set out to the distant lands between the Old and New World to seek an ancestral site that allows one to hear the opinions of their ancestors. The trip was a success, but the crew of the LRV Tarik was stalked by an order of assassins that claimed the young Demetrios Stark's life during the Dark Age. The order killed Darius I before being slaughtered by the Laghiman Guard, placing Howard Stark as new Grand Duke.

Howard assumed the regnal name of Darius Stark II. In a mentally damaged state, Howard ushered a reign of terror and fear over Laghima, willfully executing those disagreed with him, and especially those who failed to meet his expectations. In YoE 519 A.I., Darius III and his Vulcite Wife conceived a child, Vali Vasa Stark, angering Darius II enough to start a campaign to destroy elves all together. Darius II has collectively been referred to as the most destructive Laghiman leader in the realm's history. During his reign, he has systematically killed off Vulcite elves, encouraged the use of violence as a means to solve domestic problems, destroying artificats of culture & history, neglecting basic rights and freedoms to his people, and the isolation of Laghima politically and economically from the Empire's other nations.


The Laghiman line of succession goes as so:

1. Darius Stark III
2. Albus Stark II
3. Albus Stark II
4. Albus Stark III
5. Adam Stark
6. Esyri Stark
7. Nyza Stark

Author:  Petra Ravnikaar [ January 21st, 2016, 1:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stark Family History

Fascinating look into the history of your people Albus.

I hope you can recover some of your lost heritage. Those pureblooded people sound like a force to be reckoned with, if any remain of course.

Loving the family tree :P

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