The Mercurian Empire

Mark Stefan II ~ Phoenix 01|02 ~ AI 510
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Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ August 13th, 2016, 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Mark Stefan II ~ Phoenix 01|02 ~ AI 510

The son of Anwealda Mark Stefan, the young Mark Stefan II was born in the year 498. He was born in the Thane of Acholm's house, as the Thane of Acholm had given the house to the Stefan family to use while the Östur was being completed.

In the year 510, young Mark Stefan II arrived at the age of 12. 12 is the traditional age in which young Östron men must decide their path in life. The schooling system of the Östron people becomes divided at this point, into trade, military, and religious paths.

An education in trade is the most common educational choice. This involves working as an apprentice in the chosen trade. Some children choose trades that engage in work only, while others engage in trades that require additional education in literacy, science, and math.

The military route involves apprenticing in trades associated with the military initially, such as blacksmithing, shipbuilding, or fletchery. At the age of 16, these individuals join the Östronweard or the Östfleot and begin military training.

The religious education is undertaken for the first few years at home. To begin the training at the age of 12 requires a religious ceremony during which the applicant pledges their life to the Order of Sanct Creopbaina. The applicant also must pass several tests that include literacy, as well as a knowledge of math and science. At the age of 16, the education progresses at the nearest monastery. Most that choose this path become a Monk of the Order by the age of 18.

The religious path is where Mark Stefan II chooses to walk. Having grown up in Acholm during a period of religious fervor, and with this father at the head of the Order, it was to no surprise that he chose this path. Unlike most children (and even his father), he would be directly education starting at the age of 12 at the Acholm Monastery. The Order has been greatly relieved by all of this - they feel that Mark Stefan I, despite his position as the Grand Master, could be more religious and could indeed do more to strengthen the faith throughout the entire Empire. The hope of certain fundamentalist elements within the faith is that young Mark Stefan II will be easier to sway... easier to influence.

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