The Mercurian Empire

Letter to Gröteorl Cerdic Accynnafon from King Tiber - 543
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Author:  King Tiber III [ January 29th, 2017, 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Letter to Gröteorl Cerdic Accynnafon from King Tiber - 543

Gröteorl Cerdic Accynnafon

This letter has been sent with utmost secrecy, to reach your hands untouched. Should this not reach you by none other than the Drachen Knight Herman Wendal, consider this comprimised. Given the circumstances I feel this is a necessary risk to take.

As it stands now, the aid I promised you in horse armour, food, and coinage is on the way or already arrived in Östlond. However, I feel that your brothers recent actions have provoked the Empire in ways that cannot be undone, and need immediate action from New Isilioth. With the new embargo of Dawnstar, I am mobilizing my navy and army to seek immediate deployment to Gourdham on your signal.

I do not know who all through the Empire seeks to aide you, but regardless of the numbers, New Isilioth will stand by your side. I can not sit idly while watching Mark II, the son of the closest thing I had to a father, destroy Östlaed.

I hope to hear from you soon, while I am getting too old for combat myself, my son Marcus will be leading my forces in my stead. He is battle proven in several campaigns within Isilioth, and in the Pyrencian Civil War as well. I hope we can stop this reign of terror before the Empire is destabilized completely.

King Tiberius Elenvar the Third

Author:  Cynefrith Arataefia [ January 29th, 2017, 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Letter to Gröteorl Cerdic Accynnafon from King Tiber - 5

Kalo's private thoughts:

I am glad to see that my words to him were not in vain! Mark should have known better than to ask me to lie to my friends and countrymen.

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