The Mercurian Empire

Documenting the movement of the Peoples of Hermertia
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Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ December 17th, 2016, 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Documenting the movement of the Peoples of Hermertia

I am beginning a project to document the movement of ethnicities, races, species, and cultures of Hermertia.

I'd like to document the movement of races starting with the founding of the Cycle of the Owl as documented here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=193

At the conclusion of this research, the scholars the Acholm monastery intend to create a series of maps, broken up by various spaces in time to illustrate the movement of sapient species of Hermertia.

Here are a few things to fill out:



Related Ethnicities: Please detail! Are your people a splinter group from some other group? A merger of other groups?

Major movements: Please detail at what points they immigrated to their first area within the Empire, and their various movements over the ages. Using maps helps! Use these:



Author:  Darius V [ December 18th, 2016, 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Documenting the movement of the Peoples of Hermertia

Species: Mercurian Human

Race/Ethnicity/Sub-Species: Karsite

Related Ethnicities: The Karsites are the distant descendants of the Xincurian ethnicity that originated in the Old World Kingdom of Greater Xin.


Note: Proto-Karsite and Early-Karsites are no longer in existence.

Major movements:


YELLOW Lines: Xincurian settlers leave the mainland, eventually forming the Karsite ethnicity.

RED Lines: Karsites enter the new world, travelling to and eventually settling small communities in Perth, Ertia, and Valtoros.

Blue Lines: Nearly all Karsites flee their communities and settle in the Stone Peninsula (now in the Grand Duchy of Laghima) after turmoil engulfs the Karsite people.

Green Lines: Following Darius Stark I's successful actions to revive the Karsite community, many Karsites began leaving Laghima and settling in other parts of the Empire, primarily Ostlaed, Wysteria, Pyrencia, Isilioth, Alos Island (GRHH) the Imperial Isle, and Perth.

A more thorough history can be read here.

Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ December 18th, 2016, 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Documenting the movement of the Peoples of Hermertia

Darius has set the freaking gold standard for what I was looking for already. Amazing info, Darius!

Author:  Petra Ravnikaar [ December 18th, 2016, 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Documenting the movement of the Peoples of Hermertia

I'll let Siden do the initial Snow Elves movements on the map, the Talvilainen were merely an offshoot from the main fleeing group.

Author:  The Chairman [ December 20th, 2016, 4:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Documenting the movement of the Peoples of Hermertia

I will see if I can't put something together for the Gathered, though I am uncertain about some of the earlier dates.

Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ December 20th, 2016, 4:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Documenting the movement of the Peoples of Hermertia

Species: Human


Related Ethnicities:
Perthians, Mittelheimans

Major movements:


Proto-Östrons are formed from various raiding tribes of peoples primarily from Old World Perth and Mittelheim, possibly even the area known as I'bareheem. These groups were nomadic, living in camps and caves near the coast, only occasionally settling down in the last thousand years. Linguistic analysis leads scholars to believe that the majority of Proto-Östrons were from the latter two areas.


The Mercurian Commonwealth, the first Mercurian Empire, and the Unraveling

Proto-Östrons started to settle down along the coast and near major settlements in the dwarven realm of Duroth and the Mercurian Wastes around it. It was during this time they became what scholars would now call Östrons. After the Unraveling, these groups left for the new world.


280s - 315ish

The Östrons arrive in the new world. They settle many temporary settlements in what is now northern Pyrencia and Western Perth.


310s - 350s

Östrons continue to push east from their temporary settlements in modern Pyrencia and Perth. Some stay in Perth, however, the majority move east to the Imperial Isle, modern Östlaed, Casadia, and parts of Kaine. Minor groups exist around the southern Imperial Sea in forested and temperate to cold areas.


350s - 495

The Perthian Östrons over this time give up their language and other cultural identifiers, and integrate within Perth. Östrons continue to spread out from the major population centers in Acholm and Gourdham. Östlaed is founded in 495 A.I.


495 - 535

After the founding of Östlaed, Östrons continued to expand out from Acholm, the capital. Östrons from other parts of the Imperial Sea, and indeed from all over the Empire (almost entirely quite small groups, however). Östron populations soars during this period, thanks to increasing wealth and family growth practices. On the map below, orange circles indicate minor populations of Östrons abroad engaging in trade with friendly nations.


Author:  The Hierophant [ December 20th, 2016, 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Documenting the movement of the Peoples of Hermertia



Related Ethnicities:
Þingr (Extinct): An ancient culture from the Cycle of the Snake. Most Hrynjandi in modern times are descended from the Þingr.

Ütthrunendi: A relatively recent development of Hrynjandi culture that emerged following the migration of dissidents from Thrunur to New Hermertia. These people have over the centuries become a culture of their own on the peninsula north of the Kingdom of Minerva, though their presence is often forgotten.

Major movements:

The Fleeing

The Þingr Kingdom begins to collapse during an unknown catastrophe. A grand exodus (red line on the map) is organized by a legendary figure known as the Stormsword away from inner territories of the kingdom to the remote region now known as Thrunur. Forming a caravan that stretched "a league and another beyond the horizon" it was composed primarily of citizens of the city of Therur and settlements in the path of the exodus.

Little to the knowledge of the heartlanders, another caravan had been organized by small farming communities on the outskirts of the vast kingdom. These people would band together during the Fleeing (green line) and settle on the isle of Þingey, eventually becoming the Alendi.


The descendants of these refugees are the modern day Hrynjandi people. They would not venture away from their new homeland until the 2rd Era of the Cycle of the Owl.

Cycle of the Dragon

Following the uncertainty and political unrest of the Unraveling, large groups of Hrynjandi rebels, dissidents and tribesmen along the river Andel and Iron Forest left their homeland fearing Dyrendi reconquest. They would soon settle on the peninsula north of Minerva proper. Small, temporary nomadic settlements of so-called "Ütthrunendi" dot the snowy forests and coast of the peninsula.


Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ January 5th, 2017, 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Documenting the movement of the Peoples of Hermertia

We could use more information here!

Author:  King Tiber III [ January 6th, 2017, 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Documenting the movement of the Peoples of Hermertia

Species: Human


Related Ethnicities:
Any other humans

Major movements:


The Isilian people are hypothesized to have migrated from the West during the time of The Fleeing, after the total collapse of the old Kingdom of Isilioth. The Kingdom had been an independent nation for roughly two and a half centuries by historians estimates, after winning its war of independence from the First empire of Man. The survivors landed on the coast of what became Elenya some time later, where the settlements of Almeria and Corbenic were founded.


The Unraveling

The Isilian people migrated in mass after the events of the Unraveling, leveraging the newly appointed Kingdom status to secure land in the New World.


280s - 315ish

The Isilian people arrive in the new world. They settled temporarily in Cotown with the other various nations of the world on the Imperial Isle, before setting sail again to what is now known as Oakland and Goldshore.


Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ January 11th, 2017, 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Documenting the movement of the Peoples of Hermertia

Thanks everyone who has responded so far. I still need more info to make these maps! If you catch me on discord, I'll talk with you and make the maps for you if need be!

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