The Mercurian Empire

1.9 End Lore Discussion
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Author:  Liserett [ February 18th, 2016, 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1.9 End Lore Discussion

I know, my lore is compatible with that I am writing with Iggy, but this seriously fucks up a large part of what I've been writing. I had no idea the dragon was still alive, I hadn't even considered it a possibility.

Was it brought back or was it never killed, even once?

Author:  Arcel [ February 18th, 2016, 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1.9 End Lore Discussion

It might have been killed in the old world, but not in the new one.

Author:  Liserett [ February 18th, 2016, 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1.9 End Lore Discussion

ok, that's enough for me if that's the case... as long at it has a reason to be pissed off!

Author:  Liserett [ February 18th, 2016, 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1.9 End Lore Discussion

So two killing of the Dragon. .. how is this explained in the lore? I just don't know what to write anymore, I have class this w-e and no time to tweak everything more than once... Any other thing that's been decided about 1.9 that I should know?

Author:  Flanders [ February 18th, 2016, 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1.9 End Lore Discussion

If you look back in the discussion there were several ideas thrown about. Essentially endermen attacks have increased following some shift in power within the end, what that's shift is we're not certain, I don't think we ever decided on any one motive. One thing we did agree on is that if you participate in the battle and if you die, then your character will die.

Author:  Liserett [ February 18th, 2016, 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1.9 End Lore Discussion

Sure, but ideas being thrown about and a decision being reached are different things, I want to write something that's compatible with what's established, otherwise it's kinda frustrating =/

So what I need to know:
Is there going to be 2 killing of the dragon with the change to 1.9?
If yes, are they both going to be part of the official lore?
If yes, what is the explanation?

I need to ascertain that, otherwise I might as well discard what I'm writing

Author:  Flanders [ February 18th, 2016, 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1.9 End Lore Discussion

Looking back on the discussion, and what we've since learned by recovering artefacts from the old library and Chairman, the idea of the dragon attacking pre-hermetians is only possible within this world, not the first world where the history ties into the Elven Empire and the following human empire. However, the lore we have uncovered only relates to the old world, not this one, so the geographical history is ours to play with.

Tying into a discussion some of us had a couple of weeks back, we could have the pre-hermetians as Dwarves in this world, however if we're going down this route, the only way we could include any possibility the tale of Ender Draco was a Pyrencian who was was stripped of their blood would be if they then were exiled and they found this world of Dwarves before the rest of Hermertia. Then found/create End portal to ally with the dragon to destroy Hermertia.

Dragon killed all the dwarves but a few who slew the beast and also the fallen Pyrencian. They then vanished and we discovered this world and took it over. Endermen never left, so once one of the dragon's eggs hatched, they reported the existence of these beings who slew their parent, revenge plot, leading to current lore and us killing baby dragon.

Author:  Arcel [ February 18th, 2016, 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1.9 End Lore Discussion

I think there is only going to be one 'official' killing of the dragon. All subsequent kills will be outside of lore.

Author:  Liserett [ February 18th, 2016, 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1.9 End Lore Discussion

Ok thanks for checking. That means my lore won't work I think, so that's that

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