The Mercurian Empire

Palsaerd Phoenixbaine's Application
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Author:  Palsaerd Phoenixbaine [ August 16th, 2016, 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Palsaerd Phoenixbaine's Application

To the most honourable Lords and Ladies of Hermertia,

I come to you looking for help, seeking refuge and a new start. Let me introduce myself, my name, is Palsaerd Phoenixbaine. I was born in Emberdale, north of Spiritwharf, beyond Glimmercliff and the great Castle Pass. However, through a strange sequence of events I find myself without a home and without friends.

The volcanic ground that once cradled the great Emberdale, was a flourishing tranquil paradise, full of life and a marvel to behold. As a humble farmer, life for me was mostly peaceful, but hard working. Life was good.

One evening, as the lake was illuminated by the high moon, the ground began to shake. My lantern fell from it's hook, my animals became restless, they were scared. "What could it be?" I thought. I looked back at the lake, it was bubbling, steam began to rise and had a smell resembling rotten eggs. I had no idea what it was.

Some local villagers were also on high alert and investigating the lake. Fish were appearing on the surface and an orange glow began to appear. It was worse than we thought. An explosion happened, further up the lake, towards the main village.

We ran to the village, it was covered in molten lava, the ash was suffocating, the smell horrendous. Men, women and children, burned alive. Suddenly, another explosion, my animals trapped. Another, my home ruined, my livelihood in tatters.

I watched powerlessly, as the village I loved and lived in all of my life, was consumed, leaving me no choice but to head East. So, I decided to gather my meagre possessions and flee, leading me to you now.

I humbly request that I may join your society and make a new life for myself and help others where I can.

I respectfully await your decision.
Thank you for your time.

Lore Off: I’ve been out of the Minecraft community for a little while and have been advised that your community is ‘right up my street’. From what I’ve read and seen, you guys seem great and I would love to help the community, not just in Minecraft but anywhere I can.

I like big builds, I once spent around 8 months on a massive castle that was so big, we had to build a fully working train station with rails leading to different areas and on max render distance, you couldn’t see end to end. However, I also enjoy making small villages and taverns, experimenting with new ideas.

I’m still looking for evidence of my builds in ‘the cloud’ to no avail. As soon as I do, I will post some, if it’s taking too long, i’ll just make some :D

Author:  Cerdic Accynnafon [ August 16th, 2016, 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Palsaerd Phoenixbaine's Application

Welcome to the Mercurian Empire! I'm sure a few people will be along to ask some questions.

Personally, I'd love to see some screenshots of those builds you mentioned good sir!

Author:  Septimus [ August 16th, 2016, 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Palsaerd Phoenixbaine's Application

Just so people are aware, Palsaerd Phoenixbaine is my good friend IRL and I give him the highest possible commendation

Author:  Wysterian Labourer's Council [ August 16th, 2016, 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Palsaerd Phoenixbaine's Application

Greetings! I'm Duke Nicholas, your Minister for Applications and Settlement. A hearty welcome to our forums!

As a matter of course, to start out I'll point you in the direction of our FAQ: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=192. If you haven't seen it already, it offers a good introduction to the basic principles and traditions of the Mercurian Empire. You may also want to check out our Applicant Introduction, where I go in-depth on the application process: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=58. I'm guessing you're fairly familiar with the process already, knowing good Septimus irl; nevertheless, I'll link them here just in case.

Now, on to your application!

We in the Empire have heard tell of many far-flung lands past the unexplored reaches of our Great Border Mountains; I assume that your previous home lay somewhere among them? How did you come to arrive at the gates of the Mercurian Empire? Was your voyage long?

In any case, we here in the Mercurian Empire have a long tradition of welcoming those seeking refuge; I predict your reception will be equally as warm.

Over the next bit you should see some more of the community respond to your application; many will no doubt have questions of their own. Again, I'll refer you to our discussion of the application process (viewtopic.php?f=13&t=58) for the run-down of what you can expect next. While you're waiting, I absolutely encourage you to take a look around the forums at the many different aspects of life in Hermertia, and to shoot me a pm or reply here with any questions you might have.

Until then, I'll leave off with an introduction to the Imperial motto since time immemorial:

For Glory!

Author:  Petra Ravnikaar [ August 16th, 2016, 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Palsaerd Phoenixbaine's Application

Septimus wrote:
Just so people are aware, Palsaerd Phoenixbaine is my good friend IRL and I give him the highest possible commedation

You have my vote immediately. This is the only thing i need to hear. Septimus is a valued and top member of the community.

Author:  Scrios V [ August 16th, 2016, 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Palsaerd Phoenixbaine's Application

Agreed, you have my vote as well. You have a good recommendation from a valued member of our community!

Just a slight recommendation, I would post a few builds and such just to entertain our community :)

Author:  Darius V [ August 16th, 2016, 3:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Palsaerd Phoenixbaine's Application

Welcome! Loving the influx of new applicants :)

Great to see a friend of good old Septimus online. As with what others have said, I'd like to see some pictures of your builds!

Author:  The Chairman [ August 16th, 2016, 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Palsaerd Phoenixbaine's Application

I will in all probability be casting my vote fore you as well. Septimus is a well respected and long-standing member of our community and I trust his judgement in directing you towards our lands.

Some pictures of builds would be quite welcome, as well! Good luck with your application.

Author:  Palsaerd Phoenixbaine [ August 16th, 2016, 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Palsaerd Phoenixbaine's Application

Whilst I don't have direct access to previous build's, through server move's and computer re-build's. I do have a YouTube video showing some of my builds from my old server. Keeper, my very good friend (whom I shall be recommending henceforth) is narrating and it was a few years back. Vid.

3:06 Is a church I made
4:08 Is a village I worked on and Keeper mentions the clock tower I created
7:18 I made a gate house for Keeper for the city walls
9:38 is skull mountain, the lava tears took a long time and caused many burns...
11:11 Keeper enters my castle, via our railway system, roughly in the middle.

Apologies but for now, this is all I have.

Hearty Regards,

Author:  King Erastil [ August 16th, 2016, 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Palsaerd Phoenixbaine's Application

Since you have a reference in the form of septimus, you have my vote as well. I hope to see you on the server soon

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