
The Östrons are a tribal group of humans from the outer realms of the old empire that collectively settled together in the Eastern regions of the new empire following the great migration. Their language developed from their middle position in the trade between the classical Mercurian kingdoms and the dwarven freeholds of the great wastes. Many minor tribes of the old empire worshipped a variety of monsters and animals, however, it was the regal religion of the Valyrians, Creeperism (Creopana to the Östrons) that shaped the religious evolution of these dwarvish speaking Mercurian tribes.

Following their settlement in the new empire on the shores of the Östsee, their new neighbors continued to shape their growth as a culture. The largest settlements in the beginning were in the Kingdom of Perth, the Imperial Isle, the Grand Duchy of Casadia, and much of the coastal forests and swamps between the G.R.H.H and The Kingdom Of Ertia. Organized Creeperism appealed to the Östrons, and like never before Östrons were flocking to Valyrian sites of Creeper worship and the performances of Valyrian regal rites. Their language, Östronish , set the stage for the establishment of the Order of St. Creopbaina. The development of an Östronish sect of Creeperism resulted in a system of learning, religion, culture, and trade between isolated settlements of Östrons. Monasteries, universities, and places of Creopana worship spread throughout the region. Despite the initial inertia of a collective Östron identity, over time, many of these locations fell into disuse as communities failed to resist integration into their suzerain’s culture. Some families settled into the far eastern regions of the empire, beyond the eastern coast of the Östsee and the western coast of the Wystsee. Nowhere was the integration more complete than the Kingdom of Perth, whereas of the current era, no Östronish speaking communities exist. The settlements in Casadia, however, have not integrated in the same fashion. The absence of any kind of Creeperism in Casadia allowed the Östron’s distinct culture to flourish. One of the most active places of Östron study exists in the Casadian village of Arnum (Ernun in Östronish). The strong warrior culture of the Casadians has only encouraged the militant aspect of the sect of St. Creopbaina to progress further.

There is no reliable estimate of the Östron population, but they number in the hundreds of thousands. They currently live in the kingdoms and duchies of the southern and eastern Östsee (Perth, Casadia, Kaine, Östlond, and the Imperial holdings).

Östrons are pale in appearance, with an incredible diversity of hair colors and eye colors. As children, even the darker haired ones are born with light red or light blonde, which darkens to a tinted brown as a teenager. Their build and height resembles many other Mercurian humans from the classical Mercurian Kingdoms, in particular the humans of the Valyrian Kingdoms. Lifespan averages from 50-60 years among peasants, and up to 80 years for monks (it must be access to all that beer).

Östrons speak Östronish, a language that combines features from both Proto-Gaeilgen, and Ancient Dwarvish languages.

Östrons are incredibly religious, however, the actual spiritual nature of this religion has waned with time.

Many Östrons question the Östron identity. It is a widespread belief that they are not a singular culture, despite their common language, ethnicity, and especially their religion. The “Östron Question” is a topic discussed among academics within the empire: When will the Östrons decide they are the Östrons? Many argue that the emergence of a religious nobility within the order of St. Creopbaina could finally unite the Östrons under one banner, and settle the question for good. Considering monks of the Order are not forbidden from taking a wife (few do, however), it is entirely possible that the formation of a noble house and thus a true Östron nationality could occur should the rulers of Perth, Kaine, or Casadia honor one of them with a noble title.