Kacenik Tribes

Yhe Kacenik tribes are nomadic group of seafarers native to the lands of Old Mercuria. Due to a predisposition towards raiding and their nomadic nature, they rarely coalesced long enough to seek a formal place among the realms of the empire. Though not a part of the empire, they often came in conflict with various realms of the empire, particularly with Casadia and West Demurgia (now Khabranth). After their defeat by an imperial coalition at the Siege of Seled Gur, these nomadic people were finally convinced to adopt a more sedentary, peaceful lifestyle.

approximately 5,000 Kacenik tribesmen live within the bounds of the empire, with nearly all of them living on the islands of the Distant Ocean in Old Mercuria.

the Kacenik people have a fair disposition, with pale skin and brown hair. They tend to be of average build, though a few tribes have notably taller members. They grow their hair and beards long, weaving them into simple pleats and braids.

the Kacenik people have a predilection towards raiding, due in large part to the limited resources of the islands they inhabit. Though there is a great deal of infighting between tribes, the internal bonds within a tribe are quite strong.